Volunteer Registration

Cyril Norman Lake Gwelup - 17 Aug 2025

Enter your details below to express interest in volunteering at this event.
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Volunteer details

Preferred activities

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Additional information

Have you volunteered for a running event before?

Volunteering FAQ

You can choose the events you would like to volunteer at by clicking on the VOLUNTEER button situated throughout the website.
The Volunteer Coordinator will contact you 2 to 4 weeks before the race to advise you of your duties for the day of the event. The VOLUNTEER REGISTER shows you the races you've been assigned to.
Remember to have fun! Please bring along a big smile and lots of enthusiasm. It's about getting involved and supporting the club.
The Race Director is the main go-to person for the event and are responsible for everything to do with organising and running a successful race. The best way to gain the knowledge and experience to become a race director is to assist one of the existing race directors. The race director will contact you about a month prior to the race to see if you are available to help. If you'd like to take on the challenge of becoming a race director or assistant race director please click on the VOLUNTEER button and we'll be in touch.

Our events rely heavily on the commitment of our volunteers, but we do understand that some things are beyond our control.

  • If you know during office hours, please email [email protected]
  • On race day, please text message your Race Day Volunteer Coordinator or Race Director if there is no Volunteer Coordinator for your nominated event.
More FAQs

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